Servus Credit Union complaints number & email.

Complaint Phone number: 1.877.378.8728
Complaint Email:
Tweet: Servus Credit Union
Head Office address: 151 Karl Clark Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T6N 1H5
Get verified information about Servus Credit Union complaints email & Phone number. Phone or write in the first instance. The complaints line is 1.877.378.8728. If you wish to correspond with Servus Credit Union online, you should use the online form via their website.
Servus Credit Union Complaints Email & Phone Number
How to make a Complaint to Servus Credit Union
To complain to Servus Credit Union, contact their complaints line on 1.877.378.8728. They can also be contacted by mail and online contact form if required. Servus Credit Union also provides details of independent bodies to contact if you are unable to resolve your complaint directly with the company.
Servus Credit Union complaint contacts like Phone, Email and Support Form
Complaint via Phone number: 1.877.378.8728 to (780) 496-2000
The Complaint via Email:
Complaint via Support Form: Servus Credit Union Support Form
Servus Credit Union complaint websites:
Tweet: servuscu
Corporate Head Office address
151 Karl Clark Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T6N 1H5
About Servus Credit Union
It was 1938 and Alberta was in the depths of the Great Depression. Times were tough; the banks were pulling out. So the people banded together — pooling their money and loaning it to their neighbours. These loans kept local farms and businesses operating, which helped the economy recover. The first of these “credit unions” was called Mangan and it’s at the root of our family tree.
Servus Credit Union prides itself on maintaining strong business practices. It’s an honour when independent experts in management, human resources and finance recognize and reward those practices.
People Also Ask
What do you know about Servus Credit Union?
Servus Credit Union, Alberta’s largest credit union, is a member-owned, community-based financial institution with roots dating back to 1938.
Who owns Servus Credit Union?
As a credit union Servus does not have shareholders, rather to do business with Servus customers must become members of the credit union. Member-ownership in Servus Credit Union is represented by the purchase of Common Shares, and this is required to open an account with the financial institution.
What makes Servus Credit Union different than a bank?
Unlike at the banks, when we profit, you profit. Earn Profit Share® Rewards cash every year on your everyday banking, loans, investments and even on Servus Mastercard® credit cards! The more business you do with us, the more you’re rewarded, including chances to win $1 million in The Servus Big Share™ Contest.
Resources Servus Credit Union
Also Read: Sunridge Mall Complaints Email & Phone Number
Hopefully, we helped you to get some genuine records for Servus Credit Union Complaint information. helped you to get some genuine records for Play Alberta Complaint information.
Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Servus Credit Union, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Servus Credit Union. You can find complaint contact details for Servus Credit Union above.
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