Leon's complaints number & email.

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Leon's  complaints number & email

Complaint Phone number: (416) 243-8300

Complaint Email: customercareba@leons.ca

Tweet: Leon's

Website: https://www.leons.ca

Head Office address: 10 Suntract Rd, Toronto, ON M9N 3N9

Get verified information about Leon's complaints email & Phone number. Phone or write in the first instance. The complaints line is (416) 243-8300. If you wish to correspond with Leon's online, you should use the online form via their website.

Leon’s Complaints Email & Phone Number

How to make a Complaint to Leon’s

To complain to Leon’s, contact their complaints line on (416) 243-8300. They can also be contacted by mail and online contact form if required. Leon’s also provide details of independent bodies to contact if you are unable to resolve your complaint directly with the company.

Leon’s complaint contacts like Phone, Email and Support Form

Complaint via Phone number: (416) 243-8300

The Complaint via Email: customercareba@leons.ca

Complaint via Support Form: Leon’s Support From

Leon’s complaint website: www.leons.ca

Tweet: leonsfurniture

Corporate Head Office address

10 Suntract Rd, Toronto, ON M9N 3N9

Also Read: Sunridge Mall Complaints Email & Phone Number

About Leon’s

At the turn of the century, a young Ablan Leon left his native land to seek his fortune. After a few years of extensive travel throughout South America and the United States, he settled into the small town of Welland in Southern Ontario. The largest town on the Welland Canal was a busy and prosperous one with large ships passing through the canal, connecting Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

Mr. Leon began his career by selling clothing from a suitcase door-to-door. After saving enough of his hard-earned profit, he bought a small building in the working-class area of town and The A. Leon Company was born in 1909. Merchandise such as pants, blankets, shoes, linens and other soft goods, were sold at a fair price to his growing list of customers. The Company quickly established its reputation for being honest, Honorable and caring with special attention paid to standing behind the goods sold.


  • Delivery
  • Price Guarantee
  • Financing
  • Installation
  • Appliance / Electronic Warranty
  • Leon’s Easy Pay

Hopefully, we helped you to get some genuine records for Leon’s Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Leon’s, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Leon’s. You can find complaint contact details for Leon’s above.

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